There’s a chill in the air, and snow on the ground. Eyelashes are dusted with frost and your breath exits in a cloud as you make a mad dash to the car.
And as you scrape the ice off your windshield, you find yourself in a state of envy, jealous of a bear. After all, the bear is mostly likely curled up, inside, and enjoying the winter’s sleep that is hibernation.
But avoiding the winter months is not an option, at least for many. Rather than sulk with winter woes, why not find a way to enjoy the season?
A hot tub by Master Spas is designed to be used year-round, in any climate. Full foam insulation helps retain heat while protecting the plumbing, and quality components keep the water circulating.
The spa is a perfect place to warm up in the winter, after a hard day of work, or to escape the house and enjoy some fresh air.
“My wife works outdoors and really enjoys a hot soak after a day out in the cold,” says Kevin of Ontario, Canada. “We’re looking forward to watching the snow fall around us while we soak in hot, steaming water this winter!”
Are you ready to hop in? Here are our favorite hot tub accessories that will maximize your comfort this winter.

Winter Hot Tub Accessories
Fuzzy Robe
Unless your hot tub is inside, it’s unlikely that you will want to go from the patio doors to the spa in just your bathing suit. A mid-length fuzzy robe — that doesn’t touch the ground — is perfect for keeping off the winter chill
Outdoor Slippers
Invest in a good pair of slippers that can be worn outside. Look for a rubber outsole, warm lining, and something that you can easily slip on and off. Brands such as LL Bean make quality pairs that are perfect for enjoying your hot tub in the winter.
Warm Towels
Consider installing a towel warmer and storing plush, oversized towels inside. You appreciate that fresh out of the dryer feeling as you towel off before heading inside.
Cozy Winter Hat
Getting your hair wet in the hot tub is not ideal when the temperature is below freezing. Not only can your hair freeze, it will make you feel colder. A cozy winter hat will keep your head warm as you enjoy the benefits of a hot tub massage.
A hot tub by Master Spas is a great place to relax without the distraction of digital devices. But if you are looking forward to soaking after work, the dealerpinstalled WiFi module gives you convenient access to your spa’s controls. Use an app to set the temperature and more so your hot tub water is just right when you get home.

How to Enjoy Your Hot Tub in Winter
Master Spas hot tub owners love using their hot tubs in winter. Here’s what our customers are saying:
Star Gazing
“In this wintry weather, nothing beats getting into a hot tub, looking up at the stars, and releasing the stress out of your body after being inside most of the day!”
— Florence, New Mexico
With Family
“We are happy and relaxed without sore lower backs and shoulders! We love watching the winter sky while relaxing in our hot tub. Our young adult kids love the hot tub, too, and it’s fun to see them enjoying it with their friends. Family time without electronics — excellent!”
— Bill, Virginia
With Friends
“We were in our hot tub outside on New Year’s Eve when it was minus 40 degrees watching the deer and stars. What a dream come true! It kept the temperature consistent at 104 throughout the exceptionally cold winter. WE LOVE IT.”
— Connie, Minnesota