Just like swimming is not the only way to enjoy in a pool, there is more than one way to take advantage of a swim spa by Master Spas.
The swim area of a space can be used for walking, jogging, exercise, at-home aquatic therapy, and relaxation. While the continuous water current can be used for swimming in place, it can also offer resistance for those fitness options or even as a massage space.
But if you are comparing in-ground pools and swim spas, the Therapool D is a swim spa for those who are not swimmers or do not plan to swim. A part of the H2X Fitness Swim Spa line, it’s an aquatic therapy pool that allows you to perform water-based exercise without leaving home. And, unlike an in-ground pool, you can enjoy the added benefits of hot tub therapy with the Therapool’s therapy seats and therapy cove.

Aquatic Therapy at Home
People who struggle with land-based exercise might be surprised to discover that they can work out comfortably in the water. In the water, you can exercise with more confidence and less fear of falling.
Aquatic therapy, a clinical approach to water exercise, can improve strength and decrease pain for people recovering from surgery or injury or managing a chronic condition. Whether you recently had a hip replacement or suffering from arthritis or fibromyalgia, you can benefit from aquatic therapy. It also can help if weight-bearing exercises are challenging.
Incorporating water and water temperature, aquatic therapy can help you get active and stay active. The natural properties of water — buoyancy and resistance — offer support and improve range of motion.
Doctors might prescribe aquatic therapy with a physical therapist, and the sessions can take place at a local pool. However, the available hours and facility might be limited and insurance will only cover a few sessions. Once you “graduate,” you might be left to find a pool to continue your aquatic therapy. And while water aerobics classes are beneficial, they might not be specific to your needs.
But it is possible to continue your aquatic therapy exercises from the comfort and safety of your backyard. A Therapool D is a swim spa from Master Spas, and it has space to exercise and relax.
The Therapool D has a depth of about 51 inches for increased buoyancy, reducing the effects of gravity by about 90 percent. Three flow stream jets offer resistance for water walking, aqua jogging, rowing, and strength training. There’s also a grab bar and H2Xercise kit so that you can perform exercises such as leg raises.

Hydrotherapy at Home
A Therapool D, though, is more than an at-home exercise pool. Larger than a hot tub and with more seating than many swim spas, the Therapool is an ideal option for those who want to exercise and relax.
There are five therapy seats, with a variety of jet arrangements, so the entire family can benefit from hydrotherapy. Adjust the pressure of the water from the jets so you can get the massage that you need.
Therapool D Swim Spa Features
The Therapool Di is an affordable pool alternative that can fit in almost any backyard. With a length of 11 feet, it is spacious enough to exercise and relax without overwhelming your space. The swim spa holds 1,060 gallons of water and has a mineral filtration system, making it easier to maintain than an in-ground pool. Plus, full-foam Insulation and a built-in heater allow you to use it year-round.
Among the other features of the Thearpool D:
- 54 stainless-steel jets, delivering a custom hydrotherapy massage
- StressRelief Neck and Shoulder Seat™, to relieve tension where you need it most
- Master Force™ Bio-Magnetic Therapy System, to reduce inflammation and improve well-being
- Xtreme Therapy Cove, which helps you recover from head to toe
- 1 water feature, for ambiance and relaxation
- LED lighting, for atmosphere

What Our Customers Are Saying
Recovery from Hip Replacement Surgery
“My wife wanted a swim spa to help with her recovery from a hip replacement and for general health improvement. She has used it nearly every day since it has been set up. She loves it! But the big surprise is that I have been in the spa as much as she has. I go in after my exercise routine to stretch and massage my back, shoulders, and neck. Plus, I find that kicking is very good exercise in and of itself.”
— Keith, Oregon
Recovery from Shoulder Injury
“I use the water bells for my shoulders after having surgery on both of them in the last 10 years for torn rotator cuff/labrum surgeries. After falling recently, I credit strengthening my shoulders and hip before and after the fall for what appears to be full healing. I can do my water therapy anytime I want, and don’t have to travel many miles to do so. My physical therapist recommended having a pool with water chest-high. The Therapool D fit the bill.”
— Timothy, Nebraska
Recovery from Lower Back Surgery
“My wife has had two neck surgeries and three lower back surgeries. She can only exercise in water. We thought a swim spa was the perfect answer for exercising and a hot tub. We were right! She is recovering from her lower back surgery with our Therapool D swim spa. She loves it!”
— Val, Utah